SHE— 我是火星人
嘴巴上明明是毒藥 吻起來卻像蜂蜜
掌心看著多麼溫柔 握起來就多鋒利
是誰給我一個微笑 暗藏一萬個陷阱
降落在這顆藍色的星球 還真的需要勇氣
像個孩子簡單地呼吸 卻找不到適合我的氧氣
我是火星人 快點放我回去 我學不會地球的規矩
承諾說成了笑話 感情當作了玩具
認真輸給了遊戲 請讓我換一個星球定居
我是火星人 快點趕我回去 我會壞了地球的規矩
原諒所有的欺騙 拆下所有的面具 管誰說可不可以
我非堅持 捧著一顆真心 去旅行
一個最溫暖的擁抱 能釋放多少暗器
一句最貼心的問候 轉個彎就要人命
是誰借走我的夏天 還我一萬個冬季
究竟在這顆藍色的星球 流行什麼樣邏輯
像個孩子傻傻的相信 卻沒有誰能給我個證據
我是火星人 快點放我回去 我學不會地球的規矩
承諾說成了笑話 感情當作了玩具
認真輸給了遊戲 請讓我換一個星球定居
我是火星人 快點趕我回去 我會壞了地球的規矩
原諒所有的欺騙 拆下所有的面具 管誰說可不可以
我非堅持 捧著一顆真心 去旅行
Bad mood… It’s still the same problem about my family. There is nothing I want to say, to explain, to express. Yeah, I am the one who is the most “free” in here, and all of U are such busy. I am sorry about this, but U had better know every time U want to “discuss,” (I have to emphasize this word.) is always arguing against something U don't like. Can U remember one time that we were discussing something we interested? I can tell U, No. Because all of U are such fxxking busy, and U don't want to know what I really like, what I want, and what I dislike. In your opinion, all what I like are what U dislike even hate. I am sorry about this again. However, frankly, I also hate what U like.
May I emigrate to another planet, plz? I consider I cannot stand the air here anymore.