我的partner 是Tibo ,每次跟他一起創作的時候都很好玩,因為我們兩個總是激盪出各式各樣的火花,有想不完的Ideas 可以列,然後,班上最後一個交的人,肯定也是我們,哈...

08/22 in Cambridge EF with Tibo

    George and Jason got an ancient map which can find treasures, because they want to be rich, so they decided to follow the map and find the treasures. They discovered where the treasures located are in a jungle, where they didn't know before!

    In the beginning, everything was all right. The weather was fine, and the jungle was very beautiful, and their map was clear so that they consider they can get treasures easily, they also enjoyed this journey. After 3 days, something changed, the weather became bad, it's raining all the day! Because of the rain, what they can do was just staying in the hole, the food they prepared before became not enough. Moreover, they discovered their got wet, so that it became unclear, and they can't find the right path. When the weather became better, George and Jason left the hole, but they got lost in the jungle. In the middle of the way, suddenly! A bear appeared in front of them, they shocked and then ran away, but the bear always ran after them. Sometimes, the bear almost caught them! They ran to a cliff, there was the no way they can escape from the bear, so they decided to fight with it. In accident, both of George and Jason fall down the cliff and drop into the river. They flew through the river, and they stopped at a riverside, then they saw something shiny in the strange and small hole. Finally, they found the treasures. This is the happy ending of the story about their journey.

其實這篇還是該算未完稿,因為我們本來還要繼續把結尾寫的更曲折的...XDD 但是因為全班都交了,所以結尾就草草結束了...(什麼一個Happy ending啊...)  雖然如此,我們兩個還拿下了班上的No.1 呢!哈。辛苦總算沒有白費啊~呵呵...



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